Monday, September 22, 2008

Wall Street?

If only we could have had a window into the future we would have been spared the incredible turnabouts of the stock market. Even the most wizened professionals say they have never seen anything like it. In January of this year Barron's magazine advised its readers to concentrate purchases from its list of most secure and risk-free companies. At the very top of their suggestions for best performers for the coming year were Lehman Brothers, Bear Stearns, Fannie Mae and AIG. But of course neither Barron's nor Fortune nor Forbes had any idea that these pillars of capitalism, these bastions of financial strength, would soon collapse into bankruptcy or federal takeover. 

Another interesting fact is the following quote taken from the authors 

James Dale Davidson and Sir William Rees-Mogg, financial advisers and authors of Blood in the Streets.

"Even more mysterious is the strange tendency for major crashes to occur in the autumn, especially in October. For example, September 18, 1873; October 29, 1929; October 6, 1932; October 18, 1937; October 19, 1987; and October 13, 1989. Each of these dramatic results, among the largest drops ever recorded, occurred in the fall. The old view would be to argue that this is only coincidence, which of course is possible. Most likely some factor we do not now understand increases the vulnerability to selloffs in the fall."

What the world does not seem to grasp, or just plain does not know is that the Jewish New Year, or more accurately the Hebrew calender starts with a fall feast on the 30th September! During this season, God expects each and every man to bring an offering in, to focus our thoughts on our priorities for the upcoming year. The Day of Atonement (the feast following directly after Rosh Hashana) was fulfilled by Christ already...but the purpose of the fest remains. Its a season of when we are to refocus our thoughts. It is a season when there was Divine Judgement in the heavenlies. The Rabbis believe that during this season we ask God for His blessing upon our finances for the next upcoming year. 

However you believe, I am sure you will agree...this year end has forced many a banker, investment broker, investment advisor to refocus. Many a Christian will have to refocus their priorities as the season continues. For too long we have relied on the wisdom and knowledge of the world. We take investment advice from magazines, newspapers and stock brokers. Had you followed all that advice, your portfolio may be down right now. Had you sought Divine Advice, your portfolio may be looking healthy right now. There is only ONE creator - and He knows the markets and the market trends.

If we were to examine what the Word tells us about financial seasons, we would not be surprised at what happened last week on the stock markets.

Were you surprised?

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