Sunday, September 21, 2008

Name of YHWH

The name of Yahweh is in actual fact spelt YHWH. We do not know for sure how to pronounce this name, because the Rabbis viewed the name as too holy to pronounce and so we have lost the correct pronunciation of this most Holy Name. We have modernized the Name to become Jehovah which is in actual fact a combination of YHWH with Adonai, thus adding the vowels of Adonai with the four letters of YHWH. This gives the name Jehovah, or translated :"The Lord God".

In the 18th chapter of the Gospel of John we see this major amount of soldiers armed with lanterns, torches and weapons coming to arrest Jesus. Obviously they were expecting to arrest a major man of war, not one peaceful rabbi teaching peace, love, and as such they were armed to the teeth. They come to the garden, and He asks them who are they looking for? They reply that they are looking for Jesus, and He answers in the most dramatic of manners with a simple:"I Am". The simple phrase is filled with such power, that the soldiers are slain in the spirit int he garden by the power inherent in this name. What is this Name?

This is the same name that God used when Moses asked Him:"Who are you?" in Exodus 6. God said, tell the people "I AM". 

I am indicates, that God is the God of the present tense. he is present now. He said He forgets our confessed (and repented sin). He forgets our past. God lives in the present tense. Hebrews 11:1 says that Faith is Now!! In Hebrews 11:6 we are told that without this faith, we cannot please God. It takes a now faith to please a Now God.  God is in the present tense. Fear is in the past tense. Fear is the opposite of faith and in reality is based upon your past experiences! Fear is past tense, faith is present tense. Where are you living?

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