I am bold enough to suggest that I may have a workable solution for the healthcare mess. First of all, I do not advocate for a bigger government. I prefer the freedom to choose whether I want a healthcare insurance or not. That is really not up to the government or anybody but the individual.
That said, I do have the following suggestions:
- Reduce the cost of education by slashing the profit margins. Colleges simple charge what ever they like (result of greed, capitalism let run amok). I am all for a College making a profit, but there profit margins are way too high.
- Make state run hospitals and clinics available. This will introduce some healthy competition and make healthcare more affordable.
- I would also suggest that the Government legislates how much profit the hospitals can make. Same should happen with pharmaceutical companies. I understand that research is expensive, but by now a box of aspirin should not be costing around $4.00 either.
- I would also go so far as to say that every doctor should volunteer a measly 40 hours per month at a local clinic. This will put excellent healthcare n the reach of the lower economic bracket.
- Finally, I would get schools and churches on board. Schools should spend more time educating kids on nutrition and basic sanitation. Take candy vending machines out of the schools, and replace that with fruit and vegetables.
- If we were to train up some of our unemployed (for free) as nurse practitioners we would expand our healthcare, reduce unemployment and improve our economy.
- Finally, we could import more medical professionals through an immigration program. Medical professionals who want to immigrate to the USA, can get a Medical Visa, provided they work for 5 years at a local hospital or clinic sans the exorbitant salaries.
I know this is a pretty far out idea. I also doubt it will get any positive attention. The one freedom I love about our country, is that even a nut like me is free to express yet another crazy idea.