Praying for an unsaved loved one is always a difficult, gut wrenching prayer that is fast tracked up to heaven. The Lord has given us the perfect prayer for this deep and often emotional undertaking. I have personally experienced the results of this prayer being prayed faithfully every night over me while I slept soundly unawares of what was transpiring within the spiritual realm, the physical manifestation was unforgettable!!
I was saved by a supernatural personal encounter with Christ. I was not in a Church, attending an emotionally charged atmosphere with 1,00s crying out to God. I was simply walking along a sidewalk, minding my own business when the results of the most powerful prayer kicked into high gear - and I had an encounter with Christ. I fell to me knees and started to cry uncontrollably.
Some background first. I had signed up in a seminary school to 'prove that the Bible was untrue'. Unbeknown to me, my wife had been faithfully praying over me every night, never once confronting me about my lac of faith, no church attendance or doing any of the other things that most well intentioned wives do. She was just silently waging war - we don't wage war in the physical.
The biggest mistake most well wishing wives make is to try and convince their husbands about the Gospel, rather than praying the prayer of love. Most men are rational logical minded,and respond better to logic than emotional outbursts. You may have discovered that your emotional outbursts have an adverse effect on your unsaved loved one?
The correct answer is to hold your tongue and wage war in the spirit realm, the unseen realm. Once the eyes of his understanding have been opened, then he will see the logic all by himself. Let the power of God do the talking rather than your emotions.
Paul prayed this prayer in Ephesians 1:16-23. It took only 6 months for me to encounter the power of Christ. I went from unsaved heathen of note to spirit filled radically saved pastor in rapid succession. I devoured the word day and night. i could not (and still cannot) get enough of the Word.
You see, my lovely wife opened up the flood gates. She prayed and God answered her prayer, effectively releasing my destiny. It was catchup time and suddenly I had a whole lot of work to do, and to catch up. Perhaps you can give this prayer a go. Do not give up, keep knocking at this door. pray this prayer consistently...expect results. We walk by faith and not by sight. Expect resistance at first. The hotter the resistance, the closer you are to victory. The battle always gets heated right before it ends. That's when you have got to step up your praying.