Monday, September 8, 2008

Devil slicing machine

The sword of the Spirit, or the S Word of the spirit is a great tool in the hands of a deft believer. There were several different swords used in the New Testament by the Roman soldiers, but the word used in Ephesians 6:17 refers to a very specific sword. The Greek word used here is the word 
" machaira" and refers to a short stabbing double edge blade.

This is a particularly ruthless weapon that would be thrust in at close quarters, in an upward motion, penetrating the heart- lungs  of the victim and then turned and pulled out. As you can imagine this was a brutal blow that more often than not resulted in death (and quite a horrible painful death at that).

This particular sword could be as long as 19 inches, but more often than not it was shorter and was probably more like a dagger than a sword. Historians have recorded that some of these dagger like swords had a corkscrew tip enabling it to do more damage upon impact.  truly brutal weapon design to destroy its enemy upon contact.

Interestingly enough the Apostle Paul likens the Word of God to this particular sword. Paul has received revelation that most modern day Christians have still not gathered. The sword of God when used by a deft and able (read that as :"study to show yourself approved a workman worthy...") is able to do major damage to the enemy.

Quite contrary to what most of us have been taught, we should not be the victims of the enemy, but rather be devil stomping, (see shoes of peace) enemy chopping radically saved on fire Christians destroying the works of the wielding our sword with deftness and dexterity. 

Problem is that most Christians are 'wet'. We are not radically saved, on fire demon busting Christians. For some reason we prefer to be more conservative (read that as 'pew warmers') minding our own business and praying the devil does not find out about us!

God has an entire army of sleeping demon busting, Christians - it is time we stood up on our shoes of Peace, and exercised our Sword arms. If you are ready to do some devil stomping...get ready. Study the Word to show yourself approved,. make a habit of daily study. An army can not march into battle if it is not well versed in the weapons it will be using. The church needs more practise with the sword of the Spirit. Its time to focus on the sword of the spirit. 

The Roman soldiers would practise with a large double edge sword that was so heavy it took two hands to hold it and swing it. This practise was only used for training, because it was so heavy. The purpose for training with such a heavy blade was to strengthen the arms, build the muscle that was needed for a heavy battle.

This Sunday when you go to church - are you going to be practising still? Practise should take place in your daily study, everyday. Sunday services should be sharpening of your sword day. The battlefield is when you leave church and your sword has been sharpened...are you ready for battle?

Good question is - does your church sharpen your sword? An even better question is - do you miss sword sharpening services? Ever wonder why you are struggling everyday to maintain your walk? Your sword has probably become so blunt that you have to work harder.

Think of an axe. The sharper the blade, the less work required to chop down a tree. When the blade gets dull, you have to work harder to achieve the same effect. Keep your blade sharp and ready. This is the mark of a disciplined Christian.

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