Thursday, September 11, 2008


The word 'blessed' means empowered to prosper. If prosperity is of interest to you, check out my blog on the millionaire mindset

Back on point. Abraham was said to be blessed. God blessed Abraham. God empowered Abraham to prosper. Here is the exciting thing. God empowered Abraham to become rich, and the Word says that Abraham was rich in livestock and possessions. Abraham was R_I_C_H!! Awesome stuff...he was well off, well to do, wealthy, just plain rich. Hard for the modern day church to accept...Abraham was rich, and God wants us to be rich too.

The Bible says that people perish through a lack of knowledge. Do you have a lack today?  Chances are that you have a lack of knowledge, which equals a lack. In Galatians 3:13 to 14 it says that Gentiles have inherited the blessing...of Abraham. You see, we have inherited that which enabled Abraham to prosper. We have inherited the ability, the blessing, the empowerment to prosper.

If you have lack, any lack, have you spoken over the lack? Have you declared that your situation should line up with the word? Why not - go ahead. Exercise your blessing. Abraham did. God changed his name to mean "father of many nations" at a time when Abraham had a lack. He did not have any children, yet despite this obvious lack, Abraham changed his name according to his blessing. 
Imagine walking around introducing yourself as the father of many nations,and you don't even have one child!!  Not one, not a single child? Despite this, Abraham called himself according to the blessing effect and not according to his situation.

Sounds an awful lot like God did in the book of Romans 10:17 when He called those things that be not as though they were? Is that not just like God to call things into existence that are not. He told us to do the same thing. He enabled us to prosper, by giving us an inheritance...through the blood of Jesus. We inherit the blessing of Abraham. We are blessed...empowered to prosper.

Be blessed. Walk in the blessing. manifest the results of the

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