Monday, September 29, 2008

The Daniel Delay.

What is the Daniel delay? This is a phrase that I have coined (maybe some else has come up with it before?), but allow me to explain the 'Daniel delay'. In Daniel 10:11-13 we read about the man Daniel who has an angelic encounter. If this occurred today, the man Daniel would have been labeled a cult leader, but as the bible days were more understanding of the spiritual realm there was less of this problem. Anyway, Gabriel says that from the moment Daniel prayed, his words were heard in heaven's courts, and an answer was sent. The prince of Persia withstood the angel Gabriel for 21 other words the answer was delayed by an evil spirit who had dominion over the principality of Persia!

Gabriel goes onto to say that the angel Michael had to come and assist Gabriel, there by ensuring that Gabriel's message was delivered to Daniel. I call this delay in receiving an answer the Daniel delay. Original - no way, but then this blog is not about originality!

Is this perhaps the reason our prayers sometimes seem to be delayed before we have an answer? I know some theologians have suggested that God does not concern Himself with the minors details of mankind, and as such prayers are nothing more than good for our own sake. This is not true. Our prayers are answered immediately. Our prayers leave our mouth and immediately they are heard in heaven's Throne room, as it says in Daniel 10:12. It also says something very important that I have purposefully skipped over. In verse 12 it says :"from the first day that you set your heart to understand". The prayer was heard and answered from the first day that Daniel set his heart to understand. The prayer could not have been answered before Daniel set his heart to understand.

How many times did the Pharisees and legal buffs of the time period ask Jesus for a sign to demonstrate who he was? (Matthew 12:38) and Jesus replied in verse 50 :" Whosoever shall do the will of my Father...". To set your mind to understand is to gain understanding of God's Will.

John 14:10 Jesus said that he only speaks the Word of His father. he only does the actions of His father. Its no wonder then that everything Jesus declared came to pass without the Daniel delay? You see the Daniel Delay (maybe I can patent this phrase?) has no effect or bearing on modern day Christians who believe. Mark 16:17 says that these signs will follow those that believe. Do you believe? And what is it you believe?

Ephesians 1:21 Jesus has has been raise ABOVE every principality. There is no principality that is above Jesus - thus there is no possible delay in our prayers being answered anymore. Except for one minor but very significant concept. Have you set your heart to understand God's Will? Without praying in accordance with God's Will, God cannot give you your request. Thus we go without having our prayers answered, or so it appears to us. If God were to grant us every petition, it would be tantamount to a good parent giving his son a rattlesnake, just because he asked for it.

Once we get understanding of God's Will, and start praying in accordance with God's Will, then we will see the major results that Jesus spoke about. Jesus said, these signs would you do and greater. I have not seen the greater signs yet, but then I guess I have not seen the sons of God being unveiled yet either. I know its time is upon us.

Imagine if I were to pray for the ability to fly (it would save me time between meetings) and God gave me a set of wings out of my back (because that's how I prayed), I would then be forced to attend my meetings naked! Where would I get clothes to fit my unique form? So instead of getting my prayer answered in the way I prayed, God sent me finances to pay for an airline ticket, or better yet, some one gave me an airplane. But then I would have to learn to fly the plane, or hire a pilot. Thus I would now have to work my faith for the funds for the airplane, the hanger fees, the fuel, the staff etc. Rather just send me the finances to buy a ticket...I know where my faith is, and right now, a ticket is just fine.
There is no Daniel's Delay. The delay is in the manner and heart condition of the believer. Set your heart to understand God's perfect Will, give utterance without doubt and watch manifestation immediately. This is what the whole earth is groaning in anxious anticipation for...the sons of God who like Jesus do nothing that is not God's perfect will, say nothing that is not God's perfect will.

Can a Christian bear bad fruit?

Can a Christian bear bad fruit? What a wonderfully controversial question. There are s many varied and passionate answers to this question. on the one hand, an answer that is often quoted I the following:"How can a good tree bear both good and bad fruit?"

Problem with this answer is that people are not as simple as trees. We have personal and individual choice. In theological terms we have free will. A tree does not. Thus a tree has no choice but to bear the fruit of its seed. In the book of genesis, God said that the tree will bear according to its seed. An apple tree will bear apples, not pears...but we are seed, seed from a sinful man and despite that we can be reborn as seed from Christ.

When we are reborn, we take on a new righteousness, a new out covering. In the spirit realm, our spiritual man takes on new clothing, so to speak, nut our inherent nature is often left unchanged. Our fleshly side, our soul man needs to be renewed everyday. Romans 12:2 says to renew your mind. Out of your mind, you so often speak. As a man thinks, so is he. This to truly bear good fruit, patience, kindness, love et al, you need to renew your mind daily.

A Christian who has not renewed their mind daily, will often begin to reflect (through their words, actions) more of the world's nature (selfish, self serving, incorrect priorities) and less of God's nature.

To maintain fresh fruit we need a daily devotional time with our Creator. This daily time is similar to an oil change. if you don't have an oil change in your car every 3 months sludge starts to build up, and the car will begin to malfucntion over time. Oil changes for us need to occur more frequently than cars, preferably on a daily basis. We are told to crucify our flesh, I prefer to say that we should lay down our selfish nature everyday, and pick up our Lords' nature. This can only come through spending time in His presence every day before we do anything else.

In Matthew 6 the author says to seek ye the kingdom of God, but the small word we miss there is 'first'. See ye 'first' the Kingdom of God. it should be and should remain our first priority each and everyday. Without getting your daily oil change first thing in the morning, everything you do could be tainted with self.

Now the bible says that we sow seeds with out mouth. Do you really want to be sowing seeds that have not come through the filter of a new oil change that morning? Worse yet, we are told that we will be held accountable for every word that does not produce? Scary thought - makes me want to get an oil change and maintain my filter everyday.

God fruit requires a clean and Godly 'filter'. Jesus said that the Holy Spirit will come once He has gone. Obviously this meant for us to get refilled we are leaking vessels, ministering day by day. Have you had your oil changed and refilled this morning, or are you running on yesterday's service?

To continue this metaphor, high mileage vehicles need more attention and services. High mileage vehicles time in Christ presence. High mil age Christians (aka mature Christians) should want more devotional time. A sure sign of maturity is the obvious need for more of Christ. A sure sign of an immature Christian is the "I can get by with attending 1 service a week" attitude. You probably don't change the oil in your car every three months either? Then you wonder why your car needs more repairs than your neighbor.

To answer the early question - can a believer produce sour fruit? The answer is 'yes'. Sweet fruit comes from a sweet nature. A sweet nature comes from the presence of the Holy Spirit, daily! When you start to feel yourself getting frustrated, impatient, that is a sure sign its time for an oil change. When you find yourself apologizing for what you said, and repenting for behaviours, you know your oil has expired. You are running on dry. When your life starts to break down, its time for an engine overhaul...or its time to seek ye first the Kingdom. Do a Romans 12:2 overhaul. Get into 'Joshua 1:8 workshop'. Place yourself in intensive care (praise and Worship service). Your fruit demonstrates your engine (heart) condition so clearly...what is your engine saying about your condition?